Queen of Arbitrary Randomness
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Miss Kari
Kari is spunky. Kari is a woman of God. Kari has a heart bigger than the universe.
That week I spent with Kari...it was in Haiti. I witnessed a fearless girl (mongoose not included)love like I have never seen anyone love. She didn't care about scabies or if what she was eating was really a fried chicken leg.I am most impressed by her ability to love. It is so genuine, so pure, so Christ-like.
When we left Haiti we were all going back to families, jobs, etc. Kari was going back to a job and her final semester of her Masters in Social Work. Except she didn't leave with us. She stayed behind to help care for a sweet baby boy who had arrived at the orphanage a couple of days before our departure literally on death's door. Kari, a bright, young professional, put her life on hold for a tiny baby she would probably never see again once she left approximately a week later.
This same girl, with the same amazing love will be spending her entire summer in Uganda working with Exile International helping former child soldiers and 60 Feet. I do not doubt for a fraction of a second that Kari is going to change lives in ways that would blow our minds.
Kari would be the first to tell you that she cannot love big all on her own. She has the guidance and protection of he Heavenly Father. And, hopefully, your support. Please checkout Kari's blog and support her amazing ability to minister by donating $25 and entering her iPad giveaway.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Miss Addison
In December of 2011, just a few short months ago, Addison was a very sick little girl. Shortly after she turned a year old her milestones started receding. She began to lose her ability to walk and talk. Her short life had already been filled with more than her share of doctor's office visits for digestive issues. This being their 3rd child, her parents were determined to find answers one way or another.
A few days before Christmas Addison was diagnosed with yolk sac carcinoma. The tumor was in and around her spine. Almost immediately she was taken on a several hour ambulance ride to St. Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis. As you can imagine, the entire family had their world completely turned upside down at what was suppose to one of the happiest times of the year.
Addison and her family were engulfed by the love and support of friends and family back home. More importantly, they were engulfed by the wonderful news that is St. Jude. I could try to explain all of the amazing things the doctors and staff have done, but there is no way I could do it justice!

The Loft Cares card is $25, 90% of the purchase price goes to St. Jude. The card is then good for discounts at The Loft. Visit your local store or click here to order online. You might just be lucky enough to get a card featuring Addison's artwork! Regardless you will be helping families feel loved during one of the most difficult times of their lives!
One last thing...Addison and her family will be seeing this post, so leave them encouraging message in the comments and most of all please remember Addison in prayer as she recovers for what we are believing and trusting will be her final chemo treatment!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Unfixable, but Lovable (Simply Love - Haiti)
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Slaying Giants (Simply Love - Haiti)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Elvis is NOT dead!
On my way to work this morning I stopped at WalMart. The one near my office.
Elvis was checking out in the 20 item or less lane.
It was early. My reflexes were not quick enough to snap a photo.
Not only is he alive, he shops at WalMart.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Ready to Go - Almost
I have spent the last six months fundraising for my Haiti trip. I have worked really hard. All of my friends and family can verify that. I trusted God and nearly half of the funds for my trip were donated in one lump sum. Nothing short of a miracle and one of the biggest blessings in my life!
I will head for the airport in just over two weeks. Packing my bags will be a breeze. The most important part is preparing my heart and mind. I am spending a ton of time in prayer. I want to serve while I am in Port Au Prince and Pignon. However, and please don't take this as me being full of myself, I feel God will change me more than I will impact any single person in Haiti.
I am finding missions is a tough balance between letting God work through you while He works in you. I am anxious. I am anxious to see what God has in store.
Please join me here on my blog as I share my journey.
Friday, July 1, 2011
My Most Favorite Time of the Year
July is my favorite month of the entire year! Fireworks, family, homemade ice cream, summer heat and running through the sprinkler!
When I was a kid all of our extended family would gather at my Aunt's house. We would enjoy the company of one another and light some fuses on some fantastic fireworks. I have two very distinct memories about those get-togethers. 1) Falling off the swing set and having the wind knocked out of me for the first time ever. I pretty much thought I was dying! 2) The fireworks! I don't remember the big ones or the bottle rockets. I remember this little things called Flower Chasers or something like that. We would sneak up behind my Grandpa while he sat in his folding chase lounge, the one with the small plastic tubing stacked up the front and back, and light those suckers and take off running. I am sure we were giggling to no end and he knew exactly what was coming, but he acted surprised every single time. He would whoop and holler and take off in a scooty little run with his arms waving in the air. We loved every minute of it! And when I say we I feel completely comfortable including my Grandpa.
My favorite and only sister was also born in July two days before my Grandpa's birthday. I love how we finally grew up and stopped fighting like a cat and dog. The two of us are as opposite as two blood relatives could possibly be. The last several years have allowed both of us to grow to appreciate those differences. I think one of the best examples of that is when I told her we were going to become foster parents. Her reaction: "I think you are crazy, but I am not going to tell you not to do it." We get each other.
July, my most favorite time of the year, eight years ago, T and I welcomed into this world the most precious little boy I could ever imagine. If you have met Mr. A-man I am 99.9% sure he has captured a special place in your heart. Words really don't do this child justice. He truly is one of a kind. One day when we are all in Heaven together I will introduce him to his Great Grandpa. At that moment I expect to find some Flower Chasers in my pocket and show A-man how to have a little fun with Papa!